Easy ways to amplify your Christmas trade

Easy ways to amplify your Christmas trade - Esthemax Australia

Christmas is the most profitable time of the year for businesses within the beauty industry. Every business should have a healthy, retail revenue stream and not just reliant on services.

Strong retailing at any time of the year will

  • Increase your average spend
  • Bolster profit margins
  • Contribute to the future success of your business

Keep reading if you want to know the easiest ways to amplify your Christmas trade by focusing on retail and merchandising.

Mecca Gym & Spa, Austin Texas
Mecca Gym & Spa Austin, Texas

Visual Merchandising 101

  1. Smaller items like lip sticks or balms are more engaging displayed in larger quantities.
  2. Always group products in uneven numbers like 3s or 5s or 7s.
  3. Darker colours look heavier and are better placed lower in your retail unit
  4. Impulse items at checkout that are $49 and under
  5. Gift Cards/Vouchers displayed at checkout & retail display
  6. Eye level is buy level – display the products you’d like to sell most of at eye level.
  7. Stick to a theme

Stimulate the senses positively to boost your sales

  • Aroma - oil diffusers or candles flowing through your clinic.
  • Music - slower paced music is scientifically proven to increase sales by 38%. Classical & Jazz is scientifically proven to increase stimulate buying behaviour. If those styles do not resonate with your brand then choose beautiful slower paced music that does.
  • Touch - Testers are an easy way to stimulate interaction with products.
  • Taste - A small beverage bar of complimentary herbal tea, water, Cookies, Mints & chocolates in the waiting area.

Window Display
This prime piece of real estate should standout from your neighbours and have a specific focal point depending on whether the trade is drive by, walking trade or both.

Pick a theme and carry it through your space.  

Make it easy for your guests to shop and make decisions by displaying

  • clearly labelled pricing
  • shelf talkers
  • celebrity/influencer endorsements
  • before and afters
  • client reviews
  • client favourites

These don’t have to be paper signs you can opt for digital frames or slideshows too.

Get online & Social
If your skincare range allows online sales, make it easy for your clients to buy. If for some reasons you don’t want to sell online or your skincare ranges do not permit, that’s ok let your clients know you can take over the phone orders and arrange post or pickup.

Share snippets/teasers of your beautiful displays & Christmas packs. Your network will always engage best to real images with real people in your real space rather than stock images.

If you don’t have a window display or passing trade this is ESSENTIAL. Treat your website and social just like a busy Window display or shopping centre.

Hydrojelly Retail Masks RRP $49 – 7 available

  • Great price point under $50
  • Celebrity endorsements
  • Fits in a Christmas stocking
  • These masks are a must have for every at home emergency kit.
  • They include 2 Hydrojelly™ masks, 2 Trays, 1 Spatula & 1 Scoop
  • Eco friendly - Biodegradable tray

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